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RA RA's Logo There Is A Solution! The E-Newsletter of Recoveries Anonymous; The Solution Focused Twelve Step Fellowship.
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Our Newsletter is Changing!
Originally, R.A.'s E-Newsletter, "There Is A Solution," had a very basic goal. We originally intended for it to simply inform people about changes to the Recoveries Anonymous web site. Now, our fellowship has grown and matured. Therefore, we feel that this newsletter should also grow and mature. We will, of course, continue to share information about any changes that may be made to the R.A. web site. However, now we are also going to share about some of the other distinctive features of our program. These additional tidbits of information might not have been shared with the old format. We trust that you will enjoy our new format, and find it to be interesting, and helpful.
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Restore us to sanity
Many people think that the Second Step is where they come to believe in a Higher Power of their own understanding. Some people even begin their spiritual journey by believing in a light bulb, tree, or bus. These people think that the Second Step simply says: "Came to believe in a Power greater than ourselves." They are wrong! The Second Step actually says; "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." The fact that the Second Step describes the Power we are going to believe in as a Power who can and will restore us to sanity is often forgotten or overlooked. Few people will ever really be able to believe that a light bulb, tree, or bus, will restore them to sanity.
R.A.'s Journal of Recovery
The page to the right is from R.A.'s Journal of Recovery. It is R.A.'s second book and will give even the most experienced person a fresh look at the program. It reads like a daily journal, but it can also be read straight through. The contents of this book will help you come to a deeper understanding of the program. If you enjoy this sample, you can download the entire book from our web site.RA
A Story of Recovery
Our experience is that the stories in the Multilith Big Book validate the "clear-cut directions" in the Big Book. To help your recovery, we encourage you to get the Multilith Big Book, and read these stories. Below is a quote from the original Multilith story "ACE FULL -- SEVEN -- ELEVEN" On page ps65 in the Multilith Big Book, it says:RA
    "I have a simple little job on which I make less in a month than I formerly made in a day, but that doesn't worry me. I know there is something far better than mere dollars. There isn't a gambling house of note that wouldn't be glad to have me as an operator, for the owners know I'm capable, that I can bring and keep business. In fact, some who know, think I would be a greater asset than ever for they have confidence that I would make an honest accounting of receipts.
    "No, I don't have much money nowadays, but I don't need any. I am quite sure that God doesn't want me to go back to the green tables and the shaded lights again. It might even be possible that I could go back to my former profession and stay sober, but I doubt it. Accustomed to coldly calculating the odds all my life, I'm of the opinion that they would be definitely against me.
    "His Will must be my bet—There's no other way!"
A page from R.A.'s Journal Of Recovery.
A Newcomer Asks
"I thought that I could choose any 'Higher Power of my own understanding.' Is R.A. saying I can't?"RA
       No, you can. However, the Big Book describes some characteristics that a Higher Power needs to have in order to be able to do for us what we could not do for ourselves. We suggest that you read the second paragraph on page 21 in the Multilith Big Book. It says:RA
      "Much to our relief, we discovered we did not need to consider another's conception of God. Our own conception, however inadequate, was sufficient to make the approach and to effect a contact with Him. As soon as we admitted the possible existence of a Creative Intelligence, A Spirit of the Universe underlying the totality of things, we began to be possessed of a new sense of power and direction, provided we took other simple steps. We found that God does not make hard terms with those who seek Him. To us, the Realm of Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive; never exclusive or forbidding. It is open, we believe, to all men."

R.A.'s "How To Begin..." Guides
To find out more about our 12 step fellowship, and how you can get started working the 12 Steps of our Solution Focused Program of Recovery we suggest, if you have not already done so, that you visit our web site and download all of R.A.'s "How To Begin..." Guides. This includes R.A.'s Newcomer Guide, "How To Begin Living In The Solution."

R.A.'s Solution Focused Books
Move up to the next step in your search for recovery by downloading and reading the PDF versions of R.A.'s Solution Focused Books. We do not charge for the PDF versions of our books. Instead, we give the passwords needed to open our books to thank those who support our efforts to help others. You can do this by making a small, one time, tax-free contribution to R.A., or, if you truly cannot afford to make a contribution at this time, by filling out our Feedback Form. RA
    If you are reading this, you have probably spent a lot of time and energy trying things that did not work out the way you hoped they would. Doesn't it make sense to invest a little more time and energy in this time proven method of finding the recovery you've been seeking? As the pioneers promise in the Multilith Big Book: ''It works—it really does. Try it.''

R.A. Is Self-supporting
If R.A. has helped you, please consider making a contribution in support of our efforts to help others.

Recoveries Anonymous
For more information about our Twelve Step Program Of Recovery visit our web site at www.R-A.org
Copyright  ©  2006  R.A. Universal Services, Inc.  All rights reserved.
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R.A. Universal Services Inc., P.O. Box 1212, East Northport, NY 11731